Cleaning Floors with Peppermint Oil | DIY Cleaning

cleaning floors with peppermint oil

When it comes to keeping your floors clean and fresh, natural cleaning solutions offer an effective and eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemicals. Peppermint oil, with its refreshing scent and antimicrobial properties, is a versatile ingredient that can be used to clean and sanitize floors effectively. In this DIY cleaning guide, we’ll explore the benefits of cleaning floors with peppermint oil and provide you with step-by-step instructions for a sparkling clean home.

cleaning floors using peppermint oil

Benefits of Peppermint Oil for Cleaning Floors

Peppermint oil is not only known for its invigorating aroma but also for its cleaning and disinfecting properties. Here are some key benefits of using peppermint oil for cleaning floors:

  1. Peppermint oil contains antimicrobial compounds that can help kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi on your floors, making it an excellent choice for sanitizing your home.
  2. The fresh, minty scent of peppermint oil leaves your home smelling clean and inviting, without the use of artificial fragrances or chemicals.
  3. Peppermint oil is a natural insect repellent, making it ideal for keeping pests like ants and spiders at bay while cleaning your floors.
  4. Unlike many commercial cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals, peppermint oil is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, making it safe for use around children and pets.

DIY Peppermint Oil Floor Cleaner Recipe

Let’s dive into a simple DIY floor cleaner recipe:


  • 1 gallon of warm water
  • 1/4 cup of mild dish soap
  • 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil


  1. In a large bucket, mix together the warm water and mild dish soap until well combined.
  2. Add 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil to the solution and stir to incorporate.
  3. Dip a mop or sponge into the peppermint oil floor cleaner solution and wring out any excess liquid.
  4. Use the mop or sponge to clean the floors, working in small sections at a time.
  5. Allow the floors to air dry naturally, enjoying the refreshing scent of peppermint throughout your home.

Step-by-Step Process on Cleaning with Peppermint Oil

Now that you have your DIY peppermint oil floor cleaner ready, let’s walk through the step-by-step cleaning process:

  1. In a large bucket, mix one gallon of warm water with 1/4 cup of mild dish soap. Add 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil and stir well to combine.
  2. Before cleaning the entire floor, perform a spot test in an inconspicuous area to ensure compatibility with your flooring material.
  3. Dip a mop or sponge into the peppermint oil floor cleaner solution and wring out any excess liquid. The mop should be damp but not dripping wet.
  4. Start cleaning the floors, working in small sections at a time. Use gentle, circular motions to remove dirt and grime from the floor surface. Pay extra attention to high-traffic areas and stubborn stains.
  5. If using a mop, rinse it in clean water periodically to remove dirt and soap residue. If using a sponge, rinse it under running water and wring out any excess liquid.
  6. Once you’ve cleaned the entire floor, allow it to air dry naturally. Enjoy the refreshing scent of peppermint oil as it fills your home.

Types of Floors Suitable for Cleaning with Peppermint Oil

While peppermint oil can be used on various types of floors, it’s essential to consider the material and finish of your flooring. Here are some types of floors that are suitable for cleaning with peppermint oil:

  1. Tile: Peppermint oil is safe to use on ceramic, porcelain, and natural stone tile floors. Its antimicrobial properties help disinfect tile surfaces, leaving them clean and sanitized.
  2. Hardwood: Diluted peppermint oil can be used in cleaning hardwood floors that are sealed, adding a fresh scent and shine without damaging the wood finish.
  3. Vinyl: Peppermint oil is gentle enough to use on vinyl flooring, effectively removing dirt and grime while leaving behind a pleasant fragrance.

Other Uses of Peppermint Oil for Home Cleaning

Peppermint oil isn’t just limited to floor cleaning – it can be used in various ways to freshen and sanitize your home. Here are some additional uses of peppermint oil for home cleaning:

1. All-Purpose Cleaner

Create an all-purpose cleaning spray by combining water, vinegar, and a few drops of peppermint oil. Use this solution to clean countertops, sinks, and other surfaces throughout your home.

2. Natural Air Freshener

Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a spray bottle filled with water and use it as an air freshener to eliminate odors and create a fresh, minty scent in any room.

3. Insect Repellent

Peppermint oil is a natural insect repellent that can help keep pests like ants, spiders, and mice away from your home. Simply add a few drops of peppermint oil to cotton balls and place them in areas where pests are likely to enter.

4. Laundry Freshener

Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your laundry detergent or fabric softener to give your clothes a fresh, minty scent. Peppermint oil also has antimicrobial properties that can help kill odor-causing bacteria on clothing.

5. Carpet Deodorizer

Sprinkle baking soda infused with a few drops of peppermint oil onto your carpets and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming. This will help deodorize your carpets and leave them smelling fresh.

cleaning floors

Common Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid When Using Peppermint Oil

While peppermint oil is a versatile and effective cleaning agent, there are some common mistakes to avoid to ensure the best results and maintain safety. Let’s explore these mistakes and how to avoid them:

  1. Using undiluted peppermint oil directly on surfaces. Peppermint oil is highly concentrated and can be too potent for direct application.
  2. While the scent of peppermint oil is refreshing, using too much can be overpowering. Stick to the recommended dosage and avoid overusing peppermint oil in cleaning solutions to prevent an overwhelming scent and potential irritation.
  3. Not performing a patch test in an inconspicuous area to check for any adverse reactions or damage. This is especially important for delicate surfaces like hardwood or granite.
  4. Mixing peppermint oil with incompatible substances, such as ammonia or bleach, as this can create toxic fumes and cause harm. Stick to using peppermint oil with compatible cleaning agents and avoid combining it with harsh chemicals.
  5. Avoid using peppermint oil on sensitive surfaces like cleaning unsealed wood floors or natural stone, as it may cause damage or staining.

Cleaning floors with peppermint oil is an effective and natural way to sanitize your home while leaving behind a refreshing scent. With its antimicrobial properties and non-toxic nature, peppermint oil is a versatile ingredient that can be used on various types of floors. Incorporate peppermint oil into your floor cleaning routine and experience the benefits of a naturally clean home.

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